Sunday, June 12, 2005


Frankie is out

The fugitive rat saga continues. He escaped on Thursday night (not my fault) before I went to play tennis. Roger, who let him out, couldn't catch him. Neither could I. I had to get out of bed at 1am to investigate the noise Remi was making. He had already bent the gas fire into a mangled mess and was in the middle of ripping the wall apart. No rat. My only sign that Frankie is still alive was the puddle on the kitchen floor when I got in last night. He had chewed through the water pipe for the dishwasher. I think I'll give up on rats. Nothing will replace Rizzo, and I think she was a freak rat. No others have actually had the manners to come back when you let them out. I see little point in a pet that just destroys things and won't play with you in return.

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