Sunday, May 29, 2005


Church tonight

Late as usual. Finished tidying house (yes I did manage to clean the bathroom and get out of my PJs before Remi got home) then got distracted by DV cam. Managed to break it before realising the time. Lot of good stuff tonight from Jon Walker about listening to/for God. Also thought more about what I read on a random blog that I came across while work avoiding earlier today. The guy said something along the lines of 'It's no good praying unless you are willing to actually do something about it'. I thought that was very true, but also hard to put into practice. I'm praying and thinking a lot at the mo about things that need changing, mainly school and the PhD. I also know that I'm too scared to make drastic changes, even though they might be what I am supposed to do. Maybe the time has come to stop whinging about things, and do something about them.
Another quote from today.."If we don't listen we won't hear". Very true of children in my classes! and myself. I don't set aside enough time to really converse with God. I try but my 3 second concentration span takes me onto other things before I really get started. Still it's a journey not a destination I guess.

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