Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Fantastic CD

Apart from the fact that I'm turning into my Dad and listening to Terry Wogan its going well this morning. Have just ordered Mum's birthday pressie (no suprise now if she reads this). Thought I would put it on here to recommend it as it is superb. It's by Tim Hughes who along with Matt Redman provides most of the cool worship songs at Emmanuel.
Its known (at least around here) as 'The blue one' and I want to thank Rach for giving it to me for Christmas. Its so much better to listen to on the way to and from school than Linkin Park!
So, here's a couple of links to it....
Its also available at the Good News Centre in Lufbra

Monday, May 30, 2005


Bloody computers

Getting frustrated now. Can't get DV cam to work when it has the SD card in it. This is all after I formatted it on the PC as corrupted most of the files on there last time. I lost all the videos of my babies. Any suggestions willingly entertained.
Did some good phd work today, am going to try to start another blog for that. Also played tennis with the Soppy Gits, but was crap after the first set. Nothing else of any interest. Watched Episode One yet again, so I don't get so confused when we finally get to go see Episode 3.

Sunday, May 29, 2005


Church tonight

Late as usual. Finished tidying house (yes I did manage to clean the bathroom and get out of my PJs before Remi got home) then got distracted by DV cam. Managed to break it before realising the time. Lot of good stuff tonight from Jon Walker about listening to/for God. Also thought more about what I read on a random blog that I came across while work avoiding earlier today. The guy said something along the lines of 'It's no good praying unless you are willing to actually do something about it'. I thought that was very true, but also hard to put into practice. I'm praying and thinking a lot at the mo about things that need changing, mainly school and the PhD. I also know that I'm too scared to make drastic changes, even though they might be what I am supposed to do. Maybe the time has come to stop whinging about things, and do something about them.
Another quote from today.."If we don't listen we won't hear". Very true of children in my classes! and myself. I don't set aside enough time to really converse with God. I try but my 3 second concentration span takes me onto other things before I really get started. Still it's a journey not a destination I guess.


The Rat Pack

Oh how funny??? Just let the rat babies out for a play and Frankie decided to hide under the sofa, then elude catching. Meanwhile Deano didn't like being on Remi's chair so poo-ed everywhere in a v smelly way. The crowning moment was when Remi with rat in dressing gown pocket discovers green and smelly poo on the back of said gown by wiping his hand in it. Quote " well that explains why the smell was following me". I was of no help whatsoever from that point on so a now naked Remi had to get Frankie back into the cage on his own. Think I may have found all this just a tad more amusing than Remi did. Oh well. Makes up for the time I was late for school cause Deano had creeped up my sleeve, and when I shook my sleeve to get the rat, out came poo. Anyway. I will have to post some nice pics of my babies, so you don't get the impression its all fishing around under the sofa and tales of poo.


Hello Angelique. Give my Mum a big kiss from me. Love Gemma Posted by Hello



Blimey. It worked. Now to see if anyone reads it.
Must stop goofing around now. Bathroom to clean then I MUST do some writing. Before I know it Remi will be home from climbing and I will still be in my PJs.

Hi Angelique!!!!!
Give Pippin a hug from me.


Attempt One

This would be why I don't have a PhD. Sleep until 8.30. Get breakfast, go back to bed to read Hitch Hikers Guide yet again, then doze until 10. Get up and check email (after a game of Monsters Inc Pool) then instead of starting to write about discourse I go onto Sim Walker's site, then end up trying to create my own Blog. So far not going well. Can't remember how to get html to behave. Right, lets post this and see if it appears, then see if i can link my site to it. Hmmmmm. Don't hold your breath.

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