Monday, September 29, 2008


WV still...

Still on the beach at Sheringham. Smeg knows what the hell I was so scared of here....maybe it was that huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge spider that was crawling on me.

All working hard...well, except Graeme.

Tea and cake...or DEATH?

Er....cake please!!!

Cake for me too please...

Stick your little finger out if you love cake...

This week's caption competition....

Three of Lufbra's Lovliest Ladies....

Well, kind of lets the side down somewhat...


Sunday, September 28, 2008



Finally...the kids are happy playing in the sand

And Alison had a play...taking pictures of the swirly whirlpool of quicksand..

Graeme is happy enough making sandcastles (even though it was too wet and they just went plop).....

But Harley is definately NOT happy.....I broke my spade :-( ....and on the second 'dig' too. I these days...not like when I were a lad...could dig for 2 weeks at Bournemouth...6 foot hole every day...and it were still alright to put int garage for next year.

No's a spade...not a light sabre

Well she got tired out quick..

Good luck talking your way out of this one Harley

Graeme's best effort....bit wet (the castle, not Graeme..)

Harley's best effort...oops. Was very nearly wet I laughed so much (don't tell me this is another way I'm turning into my Dad)

Told you it was a quicksand swirly thing...

Showing off our Beach Rugby skills...

Or lack thereof...

I probably deserved it....

Monday, September 22, 2008


Walker Van etc etc - Part Three we finally made it to the beach (well, I say actual sand as yet but..) and what's the first thing we do?? Yep...fall asleep. What an exciting bunch we are.

Jon does his 'Final moments of JC' impression...

Snoring gently...

Meanwhile the kids play with their toys...

And try to be arty...

Graeme dives in for a quick swim...


Graeme practices his sprint starts for 2012....actually he just fell down the slope and Alison happened to be ready with the camera hehe

If you're going to make it a proper seaside holiday you've got to follow the Pontin's formula...and have a nobbly knees competition!!! ......WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi ho hi's off to work Grumpy goes...

I'm sorry..I'm sorry...I didn't mean it...your legs are lovely...


Walker Van Mystery Tours - Part Deux end of part one we could see the sea...just thing we did??? hop out of the van and get us some supplies!!!

Then led on another mystery tour through the flint-ed back streets of Sheringham...

Where reading ages can be lower than our Year 9s...

All this way to discover the bloomin tide is in.... excavation works put on hold...

Jon getting no more than he deserved for cheating at the 'Number of legs in the pub name Game'... took some convincing on the whole appendages/legs debate regarding Crawfish.

So.. plan B...heading into Sheringham ice creams in hand to see what unmissable attractions the town had to offer...good start with the North Norfolk Steam Railway having a 'strange people hanging around in 40s costumes' Day.

Now just where is that?? My money is on Azerbijahn hehehe...oh and red stripes obviously 'en vouge' this season!!

"If I lean nonchalantly against this bin, no-one will think I'm with these two fruit loops that just pole danced with a signpost"

...ten seconds previously...

No tour of Sheringham could be complete without a trip to......Nobby's!!! (apparently). Wasn't sure which part to take offence at when Graeme called it a 'Norfolk Aldi.

Well at least Jon looks pleased with his nuts...

End of Side A. Please turn the tape over now.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


The Walker Van Mystery Tours - Part 1

Yesterday was utterly fantastic. Second only to Legoland. We had the whole summer squeezed into one day. Up VERY early (was awake even earlier with lists going through zoomy brain) and picked up by the legendary Walker Van just after 7...

First stop..breakfast at Caithness Crystal in Kings Lynn. Jon looking suitably pleased with himself...and well he might having persuaded the cafe to open early to provide us with sausage and egg rolls (and other slightly healthier options). Well done Jon.

Graeme was pleased too..

Lazarus enjoys his first cuppa of the day..

One of the aforementioned slightly healthier options... seems to be enjoying it!

Trying to decide which crystal goods to purchase.... so many choices!!!

I want the Owange one..... but I NEEEEED it!

Can you see the sea???

OK...time for bed said Zebedee...more least we made it to Sheringham in the first post...just!

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