Sunday, August 17, 2008


Another obsession?

Hmmm. Sunday turning into car boot sale day. Getting up even earlier to go there now. Only made it round 2 rows cos had to go to church to play the Funky Chicken!! Even so, got some bargains hehe. And had a nice chat with Ems as we went round. We did make ourselves not impulse buy 600 mystery records!!

All stars a bit big...but scrubbed them up, and we'll see how we go. Plywood photo frame is V cool...and wireless guitar hero for 2 quid...bargain!!! Will have to make lists... could not remember which Bill Bryson's I had already...but for 20p I thought I might as well...

Monday, August 11, 2008


Bargains and sand

Sunday. Up REALLY early to go to the car boot sale with Alison. Entirely different approach to last time with Ems!!! I only made it half way round in the time allowed! still got some good stuff tho... this weeks haul...

Skived church (Alison had to go play flute) and did some corrections and watch Team GB win its first gold (Nicole Cooke women's cycling road race...was shouting at the TV!). Was then wondering what I had in the freezer when got a text from Alison reminding me it was bring and share lunch at church. Could only find a bag of crisps to take. Shameful. Nice dinner tho..egg custard yummy. Then went to Queens Park with Ruth and Sophie and the Yorks. Had ice cream (made big mess) then got dragged off to the new playground where we held the Olympic Long Jump final (I won silver) and made sand angels.

Home to finish the corrections (hurrah!) then back to church to play drums. Went well (Thanks G) and didn't stress too much. Pub after, where I did stress.

Saturday, August 09, 2008


Olympics Fever

Went over to Graeme's yesterday to watch the Opening ceremony for the Beijing Olympics. Was brilliant. The start was just amazing...2008 drummers counting down to 8:08, 8.8.08.

The technical aspects of the show where they thought of it, then worked out how to do it... and the amount of people working together.. so much practice...just amazing.

We were all dreading what a disaster the opening ceremony for 2012 will be...can't imagine getting more than 3 English people to work together! We came up with alternative ideas.. highlights from our culture... Eddie Izzard to light the flame! (yes I did cheer Azerbijahn in the parade!). They had drummers and caligraphy and the printing press and fireworks....what have we invented?? pork pies and queues!!!

So...a great day celebrating the start... esp the chinese takeaway! ...looking forward to some great sport...going to be hard to not spend the week in front of the telly.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


How cool

Really am work avoiding now. Was staring at the Underground map on my wall when I should have been doing corrections...wondering why Rach found it strange that I would have a poster of it...and then trying to remember the name of the guy who designed it (Harry Beck...but I couldn't get Harry Webb out of my head, and if you know who he is then you'll know how tragic that is!!!). Anyway... googled it...and ended up here... how cool!

Monday, August 04, 2008


Cheap as Chips!!!!

Yesterday me and Emu went to the car boot sale in Quorn. Seems that as soon as we stepped onto the hallowed grass we became expert bargain hunters. Whenever I have been with the Wildes I have tried desperately to keep up. I'm not sure if Ems is the perfect person for me to go with or the opposite...we were there 4 and a half hours!!! and we looked at every single book and every single record! Sellers had packed up and gone home for their dinner by the time we got round!!!

We had to make three trips back to the car to drop stuff off...and like a complete pair of old ladies we had a flask of tea and biscuits half way round!!! Was an absolute hoot. Thanks so much Ems. I had thought that the actual shopping was a right laugh....but then we got home...and set out our purchases....

LOL!! So many bargains!!! We had a fantastic time and soooo much stuff! I need to DO a car boot sale now to make room! The caligraphy set was Ems best bargain...I can't decide on the exact linen trousers I was looking for.. and some well nice adidas 3/4s for Alison...Duplo for 10p can't be bad...or mebbe it was these...

Ems proudly showing off another of her star finds...the start of our Ebay Empire!!!

Spidey is the one on the right!

Then we played at 'Doing a Joey'....could I BE wearing any more clothes?!

Let's hope she's not going MY jeans!

User error on timer function = Ems looking like she's waiting for a bus!!!

Is there a 3 Legged Race in Beijing??

The Banana Twins!!!

After all that I think we deserved our Fried Egg and Chip butties and a nice cup of tea!

Saturday, August 02, 2008


So how DO you get into one of these things

Got back from a nice afternoon mantling along by the canal with Alison...after she helped me buy some nice trousers in JJB, as I was boiling in jeans...I never guess the weather right. back home and was still sunny. Right thought I...lets test the hammock. So..retrieved it from the pile of goodys....

Ok...only two bits. Can't be that hard!

Unfold frame...

Hook on other bit...

and get in it...


Very unsporting

Well...that was my original attitude to shooting people in the back...soon changed that!! Megazone last night was brilliant. Who'd have thought it would be such fun running around shooting each other!!! Everyone was really polite the first game...saying oh hello, before remembering to shoot. By the second game people were getting shot in the back by unknown assailants, hiding in corners and ganging up on each other! Well, mostly. Alison stuck with her tactic of "wandering nonchalantly" which actually worked suprisingly well. She did take a couple of breaks from when me and her played "pick on Graeme" which was great fun...for us. And in the last game we held a tactical position by a base...mostly so we could repeatedly shoot the annoying small child.

Des had to tell me to stop shooting her in the second game.. brain couldn't cope with the colour took a while to remember I was on her team. Funniest moment was game three...sneaking up on Lucy and making her jump. Her girly scream wasn't a patch on Alison's earlier in the day...when she dropped her new phone in the Orange shop the manager came out to see what was going on!


Birthday tea...sadly lacking in jelly and ice cream

Got photos from Alison can blog my birthday now. Birthday breakfast was great...I made pancakes while watching Star Wars III. Only downside was that I had to decline the offer of coffee and cake in Wests when Graeme texted... tummy far too full. Game were not answering the phone, and the guy had told me on Mon they were hoping to get some wii fit mad dash into town on bike. Soooo disappointed..had really really thought today would be my day. Oh well. Back home and onto treadmill watching rugrats. Got a PB for the 1500m, my first sub 6 (5:57) so pleased with that, especially after all those pancakes. Had planned on a bit of sunbathing but sun had other plans...all my fault cos I had got the paddling pool out ready. So shower then late dinner...fried egg and chip butty!!! Well, gotta look after the waistline now I'm getting on a bit!!!! Opened pressies in the afternoon, was feeling a bit lonely then Alison arrived to save the day. Tears cos she had bought me a little squirrel in Hamleys cos it reminded her of Grandad's carving signature.

The SGS were fantastic and got me a "portable" hammock. Stretches the definition of portable somewhat...we had enough trouble getting it out of the box!

On to the next birthday meal...Alison did a grand job of organising the curry buffet at the Peepul Centre in Leics...was yummy...and minimal decision making required!

Ems was happily reunited with her fountain pen...

Spider Spud was driving so he had to stick to the coke..

Me and Spidey invented chocolate orange cream sorbet...yummy!

Fun with rasberry sorbet... LOL!!! hahahaha

And fun with Spideys spare bits....that he keeps in his bottom.

Kung Fu Panda cake (thanks Mum) with different coloured flames...thanks to the Queen's candles that Alison pinched from Sandringham!

And lastly... Fantastic Mr Fox was waiting in the car park

Oh... and we all think the hammock is cursed..its rained since I got it!

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