Monday, June 30, 2008



Went to a real live cricket match on Friday. Leicestershire beat Derbyshire in the Twenty:20 at Grace Road. Not sure my eyesight is good enough for cricket...couldn't follow the ball once they had thwacked it. First half was ok though. Got to wave my little number thing, so thats nice.

This guy is definately out!

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Explain this...

How strange. Chopped my carrot for lunch...and it had holes. Any ideas on how they got there? and don't tell me its some gross lavae thing that is deadly to humans, cos of course...I ate the carrot.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Just sieve it Una!

Made trifle today. Well, actually I think my achievement was making the world's lumpiest custard.

Alison seemed to like it though :-)

Karen not convinced though...

We should all be proud of our conditions..

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Race for Life

Suprised my self today. Was really nervous before the race, which is daft cos it was only 5k. Just pressure on myself to get a good time I guess. Found it really hard before the race, reading the 'running for..' messages on the back of people's shirts. Anyway, got a good position at the start, and first kilometre was about on target...and somehow after that I just got faster and faster. Think 5k might become my favourite distance! Tummy did not behave itself, cramped up and really hurt, but not as sloshy as has been. Was almost sick just after the finish line. But hey... nice route that took me back to runs with the SGS from the PhD office. Was weird not knowing where to go in places.. not having a crowd to follow. Was really pleased with my time, 22:56, and pleased to not get overtaken at the finish by someone I had encouraged to keep going 300m earlier! Alison came and found me on the bank...beaming...and told me I came fourth!!! I had no idea (prob just as well, cos I would have busted a gut trying to catch the girl way in front of me.

Was nice to see Rach and Naomi there too, was yummy birthday cake in my party bag from them. Nice to see Kate from school too. Shame I managed to say something stupid in the 30 second conversation (she can count to 4!).

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Circus Rat

Hey bet you didn't know rats could tight rope walk...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Happy First Nomi!

k... lots and lots and lots of photos. Lets start trying to catch up. And the more catching up I can do before the hols the better...and the more phd i can do before then the better too but....

Ok. Yesterday. Naomi's first birthday. Me and Alison crashed the party. We were made to fulfill the entry requirements had to be carrying a impressively, A did!

So many cute people in one place...

Oof! Birthday girl very mean to Daddy..

Does my bum look big in this?

What a delightful young man...even doffs his hat to a lady!

Saturday, June 07, 2008


Too much time to think

Well, its less boring than writing a CV. And yummier too. Got a sticky desk now though.

Have ground to a halt now. Good start to the day reading in bed, then 10k run then cut the grass just before it started raining. Even remembered to phone Pops (who sounds like he did rather well for toys this birthday). Then had to call an end to the work avoiding. Trying to write a CV is so hard. Worse when you can't even find your old one. Still have made a start now, thats usually the hardest part for me. Although currently avoiding it again writing this, I know.

Watching: Star Trek VI
Listening: Jools Holland seems to be coming up on shuffle quite a bit.
Reading: Five quarters of the Orange, Joanne Harris.

Sunday, June 01, 2008


Dull from Dull-land

Fence finishing foiled by rain. So short run then tackled paperwork mountain. Done accounts and recycled most of mountain, but was dull day, and now know how skint I am. Always prefer ignorance. Was nice 20 mins in there somewhere though.

Watching: this Sunday afternoon's Bond film: Thunderball. Didnt finish it yet though.

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