Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Why can't I do Maths or remember stuff or ...

I make myself laugh sometimes. ...I just had to move the microwave to make tea (elastic trickery in kitchen still not working)...and in doing so knocked some stuff off the worktop. John's rice milk spilt all over the floor and I heard myself say...oh well, no use crying over it!!!!

is my special aspie skill saying things only me and my dad would laugh at??

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Time for num nums animal

The alarm went off at 6:42. One was not amused! First day back at school not too bad tho, until I had the Year 9 girls for football last lesson. You could cut the enthusiasm with a er, spoon. Predicatably I had to have a nap when I got home from Tescos (buying fizzy E numbers and biscuits for cell). Need to find the 'lesson plan' for cell now, then go practice drums while the house is empty. Me so excited, El has has me to play Sun eve. Just have to pray I don't get all stressed out if I play crap. Hopefully will remember to fill in the blog gaps after cell, but I can see myself being tempted by the lure of the playstation. Hehe.

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