Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas Day
Awake early (no suprise there... too excited hehe) so got up and opened a couple of pressies (Spiderman calendar and a Giraffe hangar). Did a quick run on the treadmill (was toying with the idea of doing my Outwoods run but the fact that it was still dark kinda ruled that one out!) then cereal and shower. Packed the car... got ratties settled.. then did the million paranoid checks before leaving. Got as far as the car door, then went back in for my cymbals!!!
Practice before the service was alarmingly quick.. and I arsed up the fills in one song everytime... but just laughed. Then... moment of stardom... I got to light one of the Advent Candles!!! Was fab... cos we had made a pact at Greem's the night before to all volunteer when they ask for kids to light the candles... Jenny was gutted cos she was at the back, but I could see Barry look at me... this sort of "oh no, this is a bad idea but there's no more children" look go across his face, then he picked me! I also got picked to tell the congregation what toys I had got for Christmas... don't think they appreciated seeing Mr Wappy the glove puppet! Still, admittedly this was really just a bright orange silicone oven glove that Alison gave me. Some fun drumming in the service... somehow managed to get the fills right (after A had explained that I'd got one less bar than you'd normally have) .. the Animal moment at the end of the last carol was a bit more subdued than last year, but still made me laugh! On the way out I saw Pete wearing exactly the same purple SW t shirt as me... he said we'd both got them from our 'significant others', and that it was very soft!
Leaving church was tough, but had to be done.. respective families awaited.. the long drive was aided by the Best Christmas Album in the World.. Ever! .. the only time its ever played. Poor old ratties had to put up with my awful singing. Made it home in plenty of time for dinner.. not the best entrance ever.. "Hello, Merry Christmas, I need a pee". Amused myself with camera as dinner not quite ready..
Busted Pops testing the peas...
Ma dishing up.. oh, and as you can see, Ma FINALLY got her conservatory.. for years she dreamed of Christmas lunch without elbowing each other or having to clamber over sofas. Think she was happy with it. I can't believe how huge it is... bigger than my house!!! but just where am I going to play with my skateboard and shoot hoops now??
Nan Leggett joined us for the first time...
Pulling the crackers ("by the look of you darling I already have".. name that CM song!)
Ready...... GO!!
Nan enjoying her Turkey...
Ma's sorted too...
Whats going on.... Chalkie NOT pulling a face?!?
Ah... thats better.. back to normal...
Pudding scoffed (and how nice was the Grand Marnier cream ... mmmmm) and washing up done... waiting for Pops to get back from taking Nan L home. Harley bored... so plays with camera and tripod again....

Jon was itching to break into the pressies... he started making wii miis
The pressies... not including Chalkies... which are always saved for last
Parents pleased with their calendar..

and with the thesis... although not as much of a reaction to the news that I'm now Dr Leggett as I'd hoped.. oh well...
Dad claims he's going to read it...

Jon pleased with Guitar Hero... but then he should be considering he chose it, and 'tested it' several weeks ago..
Chalkie not convinced this will fit (it didn't)
Pops got a wii from Ma..
and a fishing game..
Nan got a box of J Lo
.. and a mobile!!!
Jon got a baby Henry... so so cute... I want one!
and I got a Clone Trooper helmet...
..which Jonathan showed remarkable patience putting together..
Anyone would think I like Star Wars...
Me and Chalkie playing with last year's toys...
Who'd have thought it... Ma explaining to Nan how to play a computer game!!!
Nan did then get a strike first ball and proceeded to open up a can of whoopass (except on me). Chalkie decided to shoot me instead..
And we all met Harry, Jon's new girlfriend.
After wii-ing (hehe) we watched Wallace and Gromit, which was fab... I was the only one that laughed at the in-bread joke though. Then we played some games. Nan got ratty when we didn't listen to her correct answers in Trivial Pursuit. Comedy moment of the year playing Articulate.. always makes us laugh playing with Nan, but this one was classic! Nan was giving the clues... and said 'Oh its one of them.. out of Star Wars'... so we all start guessing Darth Vader... Luke Skywalker etc etc... She does her usual Noooo and throws the card away. Time runs out and Jon picks up the card... and starts giggling like a girl (gutted I didn't have the video camera for this) ... he eventually manages to get out the word 'Voltaire' at which we all start wetting ourselves at Voltaire being in Star Wars (pops and Chalkie were actually crying). While Ma was out google-ing Voltaire Nan then says ' was he that one out of Harry Potter then?' at which we start laughing again and try to explain that was Voldemort. Anway.. in case you're interested Voltaire was an 18th Century French crusader against bigotry and poverty. ...not a black suit wearing baddie from a galaxy far far away!
Had the traditional Toasted Turkey Sandwhiches... then realised it was 3am... so cleared space and made beds.
Practice before the service was alarmingly quick.. and I arsed up the fills in one song everytime... but just laughed. Then... moment of stardom... I got to light one of the Advent Candles!!! Was fab... cos we had made a pact at Greem's the night before to all volunteer when they ask for kids to light the candles... Jenny was gutted cos she was at the back, but I could see Barry look at me... this sort of "oh no, this is a bad idea but there's no more children" look go across his face, then he picked me! I also got picked to tell the congregation what toys I had got for Christmas... don't think they appreciated seeing Mr Wappy the glove puppet! Still, admittedly this was really just a bright orange silicone oven glove that Alison gave me. Some fun drumming in the service... somehow managed to get the fills right (after A had explained that I'd got one less bar than you'd normally have) .. the Animal moment at the end of the last carol was a bit more subdued than last year, but still made me laugh! On the way out I saw Pete wearing exactly the same purple SW t shirt as me... he said we'd both got them from our 'significant others', and that it was very soft!
Leaving church was tough, but had to be done.. respective families awaited.. the long drive was aided by the Best Christmas Album in the World.. Ever! .. the only time its ever played. Poor old ratties had to put up with my awful singing. Made it home in plenty of time for dinner.. not the best entrance ever.. "Hello, Merry Christmas, I need a pee". Amused myself with camera as dinner not quite ready..

and with the thesis... although not as much of a reaction to the news that I'm now Dr Leggett as I'd hoped.. oh well...

Jon pleased with Guitar Hero... but then he should be considering he chose it, and 'tested it' several weeks ago..

Had the traditional Toasted Turkey Sandwhiches... then realised it was 3am... so cleared space and made beds.
Not a creature was stirring... not even a Rat!
Well, it's actually Saturday now, but I only managed to get internet on the Macbook last night. Will start with CM eve (cos would rather forget the weekend and the Carol Service). Had a nice day with a few visitors and a really lovely afternoon chilling in front of the candle fire with Alison after doing presents. My new jammies are sooooo cool :-) I'm spending rather a lot of time in them actually with the Norwich routine of bed at 3 up whenever. Got told I had to get dressed for dinner yesterday, otherwise would have just stayed in them.
Anyway... CM eve... made it to Christingle just in time to collect one and then stand very still and be ultra well behaved holding a lit candle in church. I think they worry about me more than the hundred small children! Quick dash to 50Fred after to get something out of the oven (Alison starting the cooking marathon that is her Christmas) then off to Grey Hams for his Port and Stilton Evening. I did actually try them, but mostly ate pizza and jacobs crackers and drank coke. I'm so uncivillised! Alison definately did drink the Port. She was well funny. Unfortunately Greem and Jon were not so funny, the railway puns got out of hand very quickly!
Some sights of Lufbra better than others on the walk home. Hopefully I'll remember to add the photo on my phone of the coolest car ever... the VW camper I love driven by Santa. Finished packing when I got home (luckily, or I'd have been very late the next day) and bed around midnight.
Anyway... CM eve... made it to Christingle just in time to collect one and then stand very still and be ultra well behaved holding a lit candle in church. I think they worry about me more than the hundred small children! Quick dash to 50Fred after to get something out of the oven (Alison starting the cooking marathon that is her Christmas) then off to Grey Hams for his Port and Stilton Evening. I did actually try them, but mostly ate pizza and jacobs crackers and drank coke. I'm so uncivillised! Alison definately did drink the Port. She was well funny. Unfortunately Greem and Jon were not so funny, the railway puns got out of hand very quickly!
Some sights of Lufbra better than others on the walk home. Hopefully I'll remember to add the photo on my phone of the coolest car ever... the VW camper I love driven by Santa. Finished packing when I got home (luckily, or I'd have been very late the next day) and bed around midnight.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
At the Lady's request
Alison wanted this on the blog. Had a lovely afternoon watching a completely un-christmassy movie (Bladerunner). Its getting there....
I do have the world's most pathetic tree though. (Not the inflatable one on the right.. thats rather cool!) Hard to get much lower than a hand me down Tesco Value tree. Must treat myself next year. Although I've managed to lose the 2 lovely decorations I bought this year. Am such a dumbass.
Think me and Alison are having a competition... who can watch the most films this holiday.. think I'm winning. Its only Tuesday and I have seen:
The Simpsons Movie (cos the VHS tape of Muppets Christmas Carol had gone all red)
Blade Runner
Bugsy Malone
Jingle all the Way (was utter crap)
Most of Love Actually (until the disc broke)
The end of Jack.
I must stop movie watching... got lots of projects I want to do... loads of photos that need something doing with them... lego...
flames to finish.... yeah, I was just playing with the tripod

Think me and Alison are having a competition... who can watch the most films this holiday.. think I'm winning. Its only Tuesday and I have seen:
The Simpsons Movie (cos the VHS tape of Muppets Christmas Carol had gone all red)
Blade Runner
Bugsy Malone
Jingle all the Way (was utter crap)
Most of Love Actually (until the disc broke)
The end of Jack.
I must stop movie watching... got lots of projects I want to do... loads of photos that need something doing with them... lego...
flames to finish.... yeah, I was just playing with the tripod

Sunday, December 14, 2008
A Cunning Disguise!
I've finally discovered how to get away with doing something daft and NOT be spotted by kids from school.... dress as Santa!!! not one child noticed me, yet normally you get a least 5 on a Monday morning... Miss I saw you in...
So, yeah that Santa Fun Run. Me, Jon and Graeme ran for the Santapillar team, raising money for Steps. Jon did brilliantly... he raised over a thousand pounds!!!
Was a great laugh, meeting at 50 Fred and going there together... on the way we had just about every Santa pun possible...
"Jon, you're the Santa of my Universe" "If we spin around together we could use the Santa-rifugal force" "Oh Graeme, you're always trying to be the Santa of Attention" etc etc... in fact I'm a bit concerned that I can only remember 3 now.
So.. on with the photos... which could turn into a caption competition! how about "Loughborough councillor caught with his pants down" as your starter for ten??

Santa Walker

The legendary Shaun Crate trying to look cool! (think our hats were cooler!)

Think Graeme looks more like an Elf in that hat!

Which one's Santa?
Santa's Little Helper!!!

Cute dog number one..

Can someone please tell me why I was smiling for the photo?

He looks like some sort of evil goblin now!

Safely over the finish line.. and he didn't get hounded by some crazy woman with a microphone the second he crossed it.. just cos I was grinning... she said I was the first person to finish smiling.. explained that I just wanted to stop running and eat chocolate.
Right, I'm going to stop there for now. I feel like rotten poo so I'm going to try to sleep. Will fail as can't stop coughing/sneezing/nose dribbling.
Its now Tuesday. Still feel like poo... although considerably better than Sunday.
Cute dog number 2..
Some team or other.. makes a change from pics of Santas.
Cute dog number 3..
Well son... you run down here and then...

The Steps Santa-Pillar team coming down the home straight

Watched over the line by Dr Heather founder of Steps and general hero and fantastic person.

Cute dog number four..
The equally legendary Jon Walker does his sprint finish..
Obviously doesn't do external relations on the weekend... this must be his "talk to the hand... no interviews" look..

Stop the clock...
Three happy Santas!
Santa pillar in the sun..
and finally.... the cutest dog of them all... I want one!!!

So, yeah that Santa Fun Run. Me, Jon and Graeme ran for the Santapillar team, raising money for Steps. Jon did brilliantly... he raised over a thousand pounds!!!
Was a great laugh, meeting at 50 Fred and going there together... on the way we had just about every Santa pun possible...
"Jon, you're the Santa of my Universe" "If we spin around together we could use the Santa-rifugal force" "Oh Graeme, you're always trying to be the Santa of Attention" etc etc... in fact I'm a bit concerned that I can only remember 3 now.
So.. on with the photos... which could turn into a caption competition! how about "Loughborough councillor caught with his pants down" as your starter for ten??

Santa Walker

The legendary Shaun Crate trying to look cool! (think our hats were cooler!)

Think Graeme looks more like an Elf in that hat!

Which one's Santa?

Cute dog number one..

Can someone please tell me why I was smiling for the photo?

He looks like some sort of evil goblin now!

Safely over the finish line.. and he didn't get hounded by some crazy woman with a microphone the second he crossed it.. just cos I was grinning... she said I was the first person to finish smiling.. explained that I just wanted to stop running and eat chocolate.

Its now Tuesday. Still feel like poo... although considerably better than Sunday.
Cute dog number 2..

The Steps Santa-Pillar team coming down the home straight

Watched over the line by Dr Heather founder of Steps and general hero and fantastic person.

Cute dog number four..

Stop the clock...