Sunday, February 11, 2007


Bad idea to let Harley loose on the new toys

The new Visual system at church has been installed and someone who was clearly not thinking straight at the time thought that it would be a good idea to have me do the very first service using it. Not only was this not very sensible, but they also thought that it would be ok to have the comedy combo of me and JK. And they wonder why there is uncontrolled giggling from the back???

We did actually get told off at one point, when I had been shaking with laughter throughout the whole of the intercessions. Understandably though, IMHO. The guy leading the prayers had said that the response required from the congregation was "Breath of God come breathe on us...boldly and not mumbled". Naturally JK said the whole response everytime, and naturally I found this most amusing. Someone should have foreseen this and known that our brains do not work sensibly together as a professional team, but run off and play somewhere in a twisted corner of reality.

The best bit was before the service, while MT were practicing. I had discovered the message function on the 'CheesyWorship' programme. So after simply putting 'hello' or something equally dull up on the screens, Harley's sense of humour decided to go off on one. Barry the curate was deep in conversation at the front, not looking at the screens, so "Barry, your flies are undone" was posted. At this point Barry got rather nervous about leading the service and was regretting his keen-ness to get me trained up on the new system.

Then Alison made several requests to JK about the volume of the keyboard. She got "Fussy, fussy". I then had a bit of a guilt trip, so assured her that "I love you really babe".

At this point Alison corpsed completely...
"Its all gone quiet over there"
A moral victory to the AV team methinks....and everyone in church in fits. Good start to the day. Was almost tempted to forgive the boys for playing with my toys. They couldn't wait for me to arrive (on time I should note) they were too eager to play with the big red knob.

Off to Norwich with Alison tomorrow. So can't wait. Hope she retains the same level of self control for my parents as she showed in the service when the speaker claimed that it was impossible to tell the difference between a Jew and a Gentile....

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