Sunday, September 18, 2005
Its started.
Its half ten Sunday morning and the drilling has started. Hopefully Remi is putting some handles on the kitchen drawers cos at the mo I'm the only one with small enough fingers to prise them open. Can't remember now what I was going to write about. Been an up and down few weeks. But I guess its gonna be that way for a while, as there is, as yet, no known cure for being a fruit loop.
Sat am did Ems car, which took 4 hours and 1 bowl of triple choc crunch cereal (which I had for tea everyday this week) and I met all the friendly kids in Shepshed. Finally got keys cut for school, which now unfortunately means I can't fob kids off onto Carol when they want to borrow kit. Darn.
Elev8 in the evening. Fantastic worship as usual thanks to Sim. (oops, started the Sim is my hero thing again) Bits of it they tried to make too much like Soul Survivor, which didn't work with 11 thousand less people, and no cow ground. Had the Last Supper at the Walkers after (did Big Arms) the MRS boys had their last scrap before going away. Can't believe it was 10 years ago I got dumped here and left to get on with it! (only cos Ma wouldn't let Pops get out of the car and take me home again)
Right I need to stop getting depressed about change, and get on with stuff. Like drilling holes and a tax return (eek). Playing at church this evening. Have to fix Tickle Me Elmo now too, as Frankie ate him this morning. No footy today. Played in the FA Cup first round last week. Got on for the last 4 minutes and touched the ball twice. Go me.
Watching: Little shop of Horrors, Shark Tale, no more cricket (how dull was the end of the Ashes???)
Reading: The Secret Life of Bees. Stuff about ASD.
Listening: Soul Survivor Live 2000-2004 Dancing Generation. Best of Bobby Darin. Remi is trying to get me into Goldfrapp.
Eating: Jelly Babies (head first)
Sat am did Ems car, which took 4 hours and 1 bowl of triple choc crunch cereal (which I had for tea everyday this week) and I met all the friendly kids in Shepshed. Finally got keys cut for school, which now unfortunately means I can't fob kids off onto Carol when they want to borrow kit. Darn.
Elev8 in the evening. Fantastic worship as usual thanks to Sim. (oops, started the Sim is my hero thing again) Bits of it they tried to make too much like Soul Survivor, which didn't work with 11 thousand less people, and no cow ground. Had the Last Supper at the Walkers after (did Big Arms) the MRS boys had their last scrap before going away. Can't believe it was 10 years ago I got dumped here and left to get on with it! (only cos Ma wouldn't let Pops get out of the car and take me home again)
Right I need to stop getting depressed about change, and get on with stuff. Like drilling holes and a tax return (eek). Playing at church this evening. Have to fix Tickle Me Elmo now too, as Frankie ate him this morning. No footy today. Played in the FA Cup first round last week. Got on for the last 4 minutes and touched the ball twice. Go me.
Watching: Little shop of Horrors, Shark Tale, no more cricket (how dull was the end of the Ashes???)
Reading: The Secret Life of Bees. Stuff about ASD.
Listening: Soul Survivor Live 2000-2004 Dancing Generation. Best of Bobby Darin. Remi is trying to get me into Goldfrapp.
Eating: Jelly Babies (head first)
My arm hurts!
I love it when a plan comes together. And when you make a deal with someone without their knowledge. Emu has to go to Alpha now. I need a new arm.
Before: Various shades of pink

Almost there: Spot the difference

Mean Lookin' Mobys:

Before: Various shades of pink

Almost there: Spot the difference

Mean Lookin' Mobys:

Monday, September 05, 2005
I reckon I'd look good in a tux!
Fantastic drum lesson tonight. Not only was Ade not mean at all (mainly cause I was brilliant so he had no reason to be) but we did Jazz and Swing. I love it. I had to control myself so I didn't stop drumming and break out into "Oh the shark babe...." and pretend I was Deano.
Good day at school too, singing the 'shackles' song all day. So really happy and bouncing all day, even with the Year 9 girls who hate me! Had to drum with pen in the training session after school to keep awake. Performance management. How fascinating.
Right gotta go read Joel in the Street bible now. And see what I'm teaching tomorrow. oops.
Good day at school too, singing the 'shackles' song all day. So really happy and bouncing all day, even with the Year 9 girls who hate me! Had to drum with pen in the training session after school to keep awake. Performance management. How fascinating.
Right gotta go read Joel in the Street bible now. And see what I'm teaching tomorrow. oops.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
New Day
Back at school. Might actually get to teach tomorrow. Getting fed up with admin and start of term cock ups. Football training in the pouring rain tonight, loved it. I love playing in the rain when its this warm. Didn't love not having any dry clothes to put on for music practice at church though, as my bag was out in the rain with me. Oh well. Some great songs this week. Got outside and sat in the car and listened to one of them again, really loud. Sim Walker's CD New Day is great. Track 2 is the one I know the best, a real belter. But last couple of days I have listened to it since Soul Survivor I have really appreciated the lyrics for track one; Declaration Song. Of course now I can't remember them. The only bit I do remember is about want to make God smile with everything I do. Some other lyrics are on his site...
Reading: Digital Fortress by Dan Brown. The street bible by Rob Lacey (interesting modern translation of the bible) up to Daniel at the minute.
Listening: Played Delirious World Service to death now! Sim Walker New Day. Matt Redman Intimacy and the Friendship and the Fear. Am so into worship songs at the minute I have really gone off my normal diet of rock. Also listening to The Blue Notes live a lot at the mo. Last Valkyries gig tomorrow (sob sniff). So gonna miss Sim when he goes to Leeds. I hope he never reads this blog. I've ranted so much about him on here I sound like I should be running his fan club website (now there's an idea!)
Right. Hot chocolate time. End of Digital Fortress or end of Hero on DVD? Hmmmmm
Reading: Digital Fortress by Dan Brown. The street bible by Rob Lacey (interesting modern translation of the bible) up to Daniel at the minute.
Listening: Played Delirious World Service to death now! Sim Walker New Day. Matt Redman Intimacy and the Friendship and the Fear. Am so into worship songs at the minute I have really gone off my normal diet of rock. Also listening to The Blue Notes live a lot at the mo. Last Valkyries gig tomorrow (sob sniff). So gonna miss Sim when he goes to Leeds. I hope he never reads this blog. I've ranted so much about him on here I sound like I should be running his fan club website (now there's an idea!)
Right. Hot chocolate time. End of Digital Fortress or end of Hero on DVD? Hmmmmm